Thursday, July 19, 2012

Burton Island and Home!

Day 28, Thursday

After a brief stop at US customs we were back on Lake Champlain. We motored through the Grand Isle drawbridge and onto the part that is called the "Inland Sea" and stopped at Burton Island State Park for the night.

The Grand Isle drawbridge opened right on the half hour

We were surprised to see just one other boat parked there against the long dock. They were sporting a gold looper burgee, which means that they had completed the loop. When we met them we learned that they had just returned from Quebec City and they were traveling with two of their grandchildren.

Lily is invited on a dinghy ride around the island
John and Lily go in for a swim

The water is very level is low here as it has been almost every place we have been and except for a few day visitors and some campers, we had the place to ourselves. In the evening we had a campfire and gathered with our new friends to visit and roast marshmallows. Ahh, s'mores - the taste of summer. Although it had reached 90 degrees, this had been a perfect day and a wonderful way to extend our trip.
The perfect roasted marshmallow

Captain’s Log, July 12, 2012
Depart Marina at St. Paul 7:10 am
Arrive Burton Island 12:45 pm
31.1 nautical miles, 5.4 engine hours, 5 hrs, 35 min total time
WX severe clear (pilot term) winds SW 5-10 kts.

Day 29, Friday

Since she had already captured so many sunsets, Lily decided that this was the last time she would be able to catch the sunrise so she set the alarm for 5:15 am. She got right up, grabbed her camera and off she went to the beach which had a perfect view of the north east. I got up too, and did some Tai Chi while keeping her company. Her new friend, Mora, soon joined her with her own camera in tow.

Lily caught that first glimpse of the day

Mara stands at the edge of the beach for a different perspective
Lily went back to bed and after breakfast John and I took a walk around the perimeter of the Island along the well worn trail through the woods and along the rocky beach. It took and hour and we were glad we had started early when it was still cool. Later, we picked up some salads at the little store for lunch and shoved off for home, timing it just right for the 11:30 bridge opening.

The three lone boats in Burton Island - Serenity is in the middle and the other
looper boat, Free to B, is in back of us

Captain's Log, July 13, 2012
Departed Burton Island 10:30 am
Arrived Champlain Marina 6:30
Stoped at Thayer Beach for swim
24.46 nautical miles, 4.6 hours engine time, 8 hrs total time
WX - clear, SW winds 5-10 kts becoming calm. nice trip

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